Sunday 20 January 2013


We have so many women who come in and say lifting weights is not for them. "Why not?" we ask. Their reply is always, "I don't want to look too bulky." This is a common myth about using weights which many women believe to be true. In fact, resistance training is one of the most effective ways to lose fat and look lean and fit. So, we've put together this list of the many benefits of lifting weights (with a little help from Australian Women's Health):

1. You'll Lose More Body Fat
If you combine weight training with cardio and healthy diet, you'll protect your hard-earned muscle and burn more fat instead.

2. You'll Burn More Kilojoules
Lifting increases the number of kilojoules you burn while you're sitting around. Your muscles need energy to repair and upgrade your muscle fibres after each resistance-training workout.

3. Your Clothes Will Fit Better
Research shows that between 30 and 50, you're likely to lose 10% of total muscle in your body, doubling by the time you're 60. This can make you look flabby, but thankfully regular resistance training can prevent this fate and help you keep those toned arms.

4. You'll Keep Your Body Young
Strength training is effective for preventing the loss of fast-twitch muscle fibres, which decrease as you age if they are underused. This often why so many elderly people have trouble standing up.

5. Your Heart Will Be Healthier
Pumping iron gets your blood flowing. It can help to decrease diastolic blood pressure, therefore reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack.

6. You'll Handle Stress Better
Studies have found that fitter people with more muscle exhibit lower levels of stress hormones and return to normal the fastest after a stressful situation compared to those who are less fit with less muscle mass.

7. You'll Sleep Better
Lifting hard helps you rest easier. Studies have found evidence that participants who perform regular resistance workouts are able to fall asleep faster and sleep longer than before they started lifting weights.

8. You'll Get In Shape Faster
Training with weights raises your heart rate and can provide cardiovascular benefits similar to those of aerobic exercise.

9. You'll Fight Depression
Regularly lifitng weights significantly reduces symptoms of major depression, without the negative side effects of antidepressants, according to a study by scientists at the University of Sydney

10. You'll Be Smarter
Researchers have found that resistance training enhances cognitive function, with better short and long term memory, improved verbal reasoning and a longer attention span!

The women at FITnFAB love working with weights! They feel stronger and more empowered and get a real kick out of seeing results so quickly! So come and have a go and don't be afraid to lift!

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